
The Commission conducts evidence-gathering sessions, site visits and other events to allow Commissioners to take evidence from small businesses and large, from trade experts and economists, from trade bodies and trade unions, to propose practical recommendations to the UK Government as they enter the TCA review, as well as making recommendations about existing and proposed trade deals with the rest of the world. We publish transcripts and videos of our full sessions here.

EU, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, USA, Free Trade Agreements, Devolution Best for Britain EU, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, USA, Free Trade Agreements, Devolution Best for Britain

UK Trade Deals and the Impact on Devolution in Scotland and Wales

Trade agreements are negotiated by national governments, though topics covered are likely to include those for which responsibility lies with devolved authorities. This is an issue faced across the world given that those topics extend far beyond tariff reduction and can see regulations bound by treaty. In the UK devolved government responsibilities affected are likely to include agriculture, services provision such as professional qualifications, and public procurement, but many more such as Scotland’s minimum alcohol pricing could be an issue.

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