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Brexit and NI Protocol threats hurting UK-Japanese trade say experts

Brexit and threats from the UK Government to breach international agreements is hurting trade between the UK and Japan with the free trade agreement between the two countries, one of the first post-Brexit, having “almost no added value” experts have stated.

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Agriculture, Free Trade Agreements Guest User Agriculture, Free Trade Agreements Guest User

Farming shortages: Byzantine system hurting food security

Responding to a new report published today by the House of Commons environment, food and rural affairs select committee which highlights the acute labour shortages facing the food and farming sector caused by Brexit and accentuated by the pandemic, Hilary Benn MP, Co-Convenor of the UK Trade and Business Commission, said:

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Economy, Imports and Exports, EU Niall McGourty Economy, Imports and Exports, EU Niall McGourty

A third of businesses report drop in turnover amid import/export challenges

Today, new ONS figures on challenges facing UK businesses showed that weeks after the introductions of new post-Brexit import checks, a third of businesses reported a drop in turnover, 72% of businesses reported importing challenges and that less than two thirds of transport and storage businesses were fully trading.

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