Promoting Internationalism: Annual Report 2021-2022

The UK has a long history of trade and global cooperation. But some of the ways we do business across the world, via cutting-edge scientists, popular touring artists and major sporting competitions, aren’t as well recognised as trade, unlike selling food, manufactured products, or financial and other services.

UK trade is made up of contributions from all regions of the country, and from organisations large and small; a diversity of which we should be proud.

The Commission is the first of its kind, a cross-party, cross-sectoral endeavour bringing together business leaders and parliamentarians to assess the impact of the UK’s new trading arrangements.

The Commission has taken evidence from business owners, politicians, trade associations and academics from all parts of the United Kingdom, as well as from those in the international community with UK interests.

We have heard from those with direct experience or expertise, including businesses which trade internationally and with supply chains relying on international trade or needing access to an international workforce or skills.


SITE VISIT: Maidstone and Dover