Terms of Reference


To make recommendations to the UK Government about but not limited to;

  • Matters arising from the UK Government’s ‘relationship reset’ with the EU

  • Trade deals with the rest of the world

  • Matters arising from the TCA review

  • Matters arising from increased UK-EU Security and Defence Cooperation

  • Support for start-ups, small and medium sized businesses across the UK

  • Regulatory frameworks and regimes both domestically and internationally

  • Strengthening diplomatic relationships with global trading partners


To examine and take evidence from industry and other experts on the UK-EU TCA, other matters concerning the UK-EU trading relationship and relationship reset with the EU, as well as other bilateral and multilateral trade deals, and recommend improvements. 

To assess the impacts of the Government’s deals on the four nations and different sectors, notably services, manufacturing, and other factors e.g. skills, talent and environmental footprint.

To inform legislators on the impacts and make recommendations, providing evidence to parliamentary committees and inquiries related to matters and legislation within the Commission's scope.

To engage with businesses and consumers to understand the impacts of trade agreements and to educate the public on those impacts.

To put forward and advocate for policy positions in accordance with evidence gathered and to develop practical policy recommendations to advise the UK Government on implementing key improvements to the UK trading landscape.


The Commission and its Secretariat will use secondary data and evidence from trade policy literature, as well as from reviews conducted by House of Commons and Lords Committees. Primary data will be collected from expert witnesses and stakeholder groups providing written or oral evidence to the Commission, and other evidence may be gathered through polls and focus groups.