Transcripts Meeting 1: UK-EU TCA Meeting 2: Food and Drink Meeting 3: Financial Services Meeting 4: SMEs Meeting 5: Veterinary Services Meeting 6: Cultural and Creative Industries Meeting 7: UK-Australia Trade Deal Meeting 8: Data and Digital Trade Meeting 9: Research, Innovation and Science Meeting 10: Driver Shortages and Effect on Supply Chains Meeting 11: State of EU-UK Diplomatic Relations Meeting 12: UK Trade Deals and the Impact of Devolution in Scotland and Wales Meeting 13: COP26 Updating Trade for the Climate Crisis Meeting 14: Services including People, Talent and Skills Meeting 15: Pharmaceuticals, Medicines and Chemicals Meeting 16: Trade Under the Northern Ireland Protocol Meeting 17: Protecting UK Manufacturing in a Global Supply Chain Meeting 18: The Northern Ireland Protocol in Practice Meeting 19: The Impact of New Import Checks Meeting 20: What is the FTA Programme Delivering So Far?